Today we began notes from the book about organelles. I am sorry to have missed class because of my dumb eye... turns out I had a chunk of dirt lodged in the back of my eyeball! Yuck!!! If you missed the SWYK or microscopes last week we will still have the rest of this week after school to get all made up so don't worry! Anyone who did not turn in the conference sheet today SHOULD WORRY... I'll have your detention slips tomorrow. You are welcome to continue with your notes on cells organelles tonight, but tomorrow is a work day in class. You WILL want to watch this Bill Nye video though... pop up some popcorn and enjoy! Today we took our SWYK about microscope parts, use, and history. IF you were absent today you will need to make up the SWYK before school, at lunch, or after school by Wednesday! Next week we will look inside cells and learn about the organelles that keep the cell running. Remember how fun THIS WAS TO EXPLORE THE PARTS SMALLER THAN A CELL? Take a look at THESE TERRIFYING MICROSCOPE PICTURES! Yikes! Any missing CONFERENCE SHEETS must be turned in Monday morning OR you will have an assigned detention to complete the page with me... grrrrrrrrrrrr. Show off your notebook work with your folks!!!
Today we continued our explorations with microscopes. We used the binocular scope today! We saw fingernails, pond life, burrs, pennies, and other objects up close and wow! If you were absent today or any time this week with microscope lab work please come see me for a time after school next week to make up the missing lab time. Lunch and study hall is truly too short for safe microscoping! Scopes are important tools! Tomorrow we SWYK on microscope history, cell theory, and microscope parts and usage. Be sure your notes are done from Cells text pages 6-13. Be sure your Giants Of Science And Tools Of Technology timeline is all up to date with Hooke, Leewenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow, and all the important microscope advances. Reminder that any CONFERENCE SHEETS not done with parents by Monday results in detention with me!
Today we had a crazy chaotic day of microscope exploration making slides of our hair and looking at pond critters using depression slides. It was FUN!!! If you missed out on the adventure PLEASE be sure to check in with me during HomeBase tomorrow during study hall time! You may want to check out this VIRTUAL POND DIP and see more pond life than we explored today. Tomorrow we will use the binocular scopes to view more stuff and practice understanding of scope parts and jobs!!! Friday is the SWYK for microscope use, history of scopes and cell exploration, and the cell theory. Do you have all your notes done? DO THEM!!! Some of you still have not completed the CONFERENCE SHEET. Be sure to get that done with your parent's signature and turn it in during HomeBase tomorrow morning. Late dock on grade starts when classes start and then you risk detention to do the sheet with ME next week... EEEEK! Share your notebook now!
![]() Today we used the microscopes! We observed the letter "e" to see how to focus an image, how images move backwards, as well as draw what we see in the field of view. We also observed some additional prepared slides. For those of you absent today watch THIS VIDEO TO SEE HOW TO USE A MICROSCOPE. Hopefully you won't miss all the work this week or you will need to schedule a time after school to make up the microscopes work (too much for just a HomeBase study hall or lunch to truly understand scope usage). Tomorrow we learn how to make our own slides and we will explore depression slides and pond life! Tonight you need to continue your study of the microscope parts and functions for Friday's SWYK. You can review yesterday's post or search your own study help online. Remember all notes from last week PLUS the giants of science timeline should be up to date with the latest and greatest microscope studies! Today we explored the microscope. We will USE the microscopes this week so you need to study all scope parts and their functions. Review THIS PAGE FOR HISTORY OF THE MICROSCOPE AND OTHER COOL EXPLORATIONS. Use THIS PAGE FOR FLASHCARDS TO REVIEW PARTS/FUNCTIONS. Also check out THIS COOL INTERACTIVE FROM BRAINPOP TO PRACTICE USING A SCOPE. Finally, you review the video below (we say body tube instead of 'barrel'). Were you absent today? Review appendix B on p. 196-197 of your cells textbook and get a diagram from me upon return. Friday SWYK on parts, usage, and history of scopes. Nice article about those dust mites we learned about from Tick Bait! JUST CLICK AND READ
Today we had an in class work day (with music!) to add the scientists and tools of cell theory exploration to our GOSATOT timeline. We also added illustrations to the scientists on our timeline and made sure to expand on their discoveries on the following page in list form. We also had a planner check and checked the progress of the THIEVes notes for pages 6-13! Anyone absent today should work this weekend to finish or plan for PRIDE next week! In fact that goes for anyone who didn't finish today! Remember to get your CONFERENCE SHEET done this weekend... due Monday. Parent-teacher conferences on Wednesday, November 11th!
Today we began taking notes about cells, microscopes, and the cell theory. We wrote our notes on page 47 (feel free to take more pages as needed for your notes!) using the THIEVes strategy to organize our notes. Tonight you will finish the notes and tomorrow we will update our Giants of Science and Tools of Technology timeline with the scientists AND illustrations. You may watch the Ted-ed video below again as a review of the history of discovering cells and microscopes. Feel free to complete your CONFERENCE SHEET too! |
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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