We made it! HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!! I shall see you in the halls next year when you are 8th graders. Until then ...
Today we had a great day together celebrating our 7th grade year. Tomorrow is the last day of school. Bring a pen for signing yearbooks (I think fine point sharpie is best). Early out 1:10 then SUMMERTIME!
Today was our last day to do academic science work. Some of us acted like a cell, some of us played Science Jeopardy, and some of us had iPad exploration time. All of us are ready for a great day tomorrow with each other just hanging out at Woodland Water Park. Remember to pack sunscreen... the forecast looks amazing! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY I hope we will see you tomorrow!
Today we assessed what actually stuck into your brains. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you may choose to come take the SWYK tomorrow at lunch. All biomes work must be completed tonight. I will not change any grades after 3:30 tomorrow afternoon... any zeroes will stay zeroes. Don't be a zero!!!
Time to finish strong... or at least finish. Turn in completed biomes notes and finish up your job for the biomes task. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you still need to turn in notes and do your job for biomes task. Tomorrow the final SWYK of the year! Show What You Know!!!
Final weekend for work is here. The ONLY task remaining is your Biomes Project work. Some of you still need to finish and turn in your notes as well! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you have your portion of the project to finish up. Presentations are on Monday. Biome project is officially due Monday (along with our last planner check!). We will take the final SWYK of the year on Tuesday (and do the last notebook check). Wow... the end is near!!! Finish strong!
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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