Today we watched an AMAZING video that explained everything we have discussed about DNA, mutations, Darwin, natural selection, evolution, species, and even cancer! If you missed it watch it below! Worth it!!! Tomorrow I am back in the classroom... I will be badgering those who have not finished Darwin vocab, Nature at Work mouse lab analysis, genome paragraphs AND I will be doing a planner check!!! Are you all caught up?
As you work on your lab you can do a CEAL for number 4 or a CEAEAL for number 4 or a CEAEAEAL
for number 4 or you can skip answering number 4 altogether (but you can't get a 4 without)... Today we completed the analysis for our Nature at Work lab. If you were absent you can PRINT THIS ANALYSIS PAGE or pick one up in class on Monday (ask anyone for the data). We also watched NATURAL SELECTION AND THE POCKET MOUSE which is a real world example of our lab data demonstrating how rapidly color can influence change in populations and supports the ideas Darwin hypothesized about evolution by means of natural selection. Very cool indeed! Anyone still working on their paragraph? This lab and this video give another evidence and analysis point if you need one in explaining how decoding the genome has changed our understanding of life and living things. Genes, mutations, natural selection... WOW!!! Remember if a species doesn't adapt to changing environments over time the species goes extinct... bummer. If you want to explore more about survival and adaptations and the fun of natural selection you may want to explore THIS SIMULATOR FOR PEPPERED MOTHS or check out THIS WEBSITE WHICH EXPLORES VARIATION OF SPECIES OVER TIME (great website ... click home and explore so much!). Simulators are fun to play!
Today we collected data to demonstrate the effects of natural selection when contrasting colors of organism and environment are involved. The lab is in the textbook pages 146-147 (BUT THE LAB SHEET IS HERE). Tomorrow we shall finish up the data for the forsest environment, calculate death rates, and then complete analysis and conclusion of the lab PLUS we have some awesome real life application of natural selection due to color variations to explore! If you are still working on your vocabulary you may want to watch this video. (How's the paragraph coming along? FINISH IT!!!) I will see you Tuesday! Monday's video is the BEST!!! Today we had an awesome productive work day to complete our three column note strategy for the terms species, fossils, adaptations, evolution, and natural selection. If you need or want to explore more about variation and natural selection you may want to explore THIS WEBSITE FOR GREAT EXPLORATION. You may also choose to watch THIS VIDEO ABOUT NATURAL SELECTION or THIS VIDEO ABOUT EVIDENCE SUPPORTING DARWIN'S THEORY or THIS VIDEO ABOUT THE HISTORY OF EVOLUTIONARY THOUGHT. As you wrap up your vocabulary you should of course enter Charles Darwin in your GOSATOT!
Today we began to explore Charles Darwin's observations from his voyage to the Galapagos Islands way long ago. IF you were absent I would like you to make sure your paragraph is done and then read pages 139-145 in your text. We are working on vocabulary from this section using the three column strategy. Species and Fossils on page 100, Adaptations and Evolution on page 101 and Natural Selection on page 102. We worked on the term species in class today. Tonight some of you still need to wrap up your best work for the paragraph discussing how the decoding of the human genome has changed our understanding of life and living things. Be sure your CEAEAEAL is your best ever for writing AND science information!!! Today we explored how amazing knowing our genome can be! We explored stem cell research, we discussed GMOs (genetically modified organisms), we discussed genetic engineering, we explored DNA fingerprinting, and we discovered how gene therapies can change the lives of so many with genetic disorders. Wow... we sure know so many ways that decoding the human genome has changed our understanding of life and living things AND have great insights as to what the future may hold. Tonight we need to clean up our summary paragraph to a well supported and analyzed CEAEAEAL paragraph addressing the question How has the decoding of the human genome changed our understanding of life and living things AND what do you think may change in the future from our understanding of the genome? IF you choose to type this paragraph you can submit your paragraph via google docs (just share with me!). You also can hand write on loose leaf, or type and print. If you still need help in discovering just how our understanding of life has changed you may choose to click on the following links for specific evidence and analysis in the CEAL (your textbook pages 123-130 also has great evidence and analysis information):
How have dog breeds changed over the years? How have fruits and veggies changed over the years? What? No 'Y'? Genetic superpowers??? (Mutations for humans!!!) Evolving ourselves with gene therapy! ![]() Today we took a quick SWYK assessing what we know of genetics, heredity, meiosis, Punnett squares, and chromosomes! IF you missed today you will need to make up this swyk (lunch? after school?)... Many of you still need to finish (start) your summary CEAEAEAL paragraph addressing: How has the decoding of the human genome changed our understanding of life and living things? Hopefully after today's discussion of genetic disorders (what causes them, how we screen for them, and how we can treat some of them) you have a better understanding of how decoding the human genome has changed our understanding of life and living things! If you still need more information about genetic disorders beyond the textbook pages 117-121 CLICK THIS LINK AND EXPLORE THE INFORMATION (hit 'home' and really check out all the site has to offer!). How about another INTERESTING LINK ABOUT COMMON GENETIC DISORDERS AND MUTATIONS. Wow... we sure know lots now! Next week we shall explore genetic variations and adaptations and natural selection of traits! Hello Darwin! Today we had fun tossing pennies to determine traits for our 'child'... if you were absent today or need to finish the lab you can view THE INSTRUCTIONS HERE and you can print THE FACES LAB SHEET HERE. Tonight you should review your notes from Nucleus 101 on through meiosis and Punnett squares. Tomorrow we SWYK and discuss genetic disorders that result from too many or too few chromosomes, mutations in the genetic code, as well as inherited dominant or recessive. Some of you still need to finish your paragraph!!!
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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