And here is your science lesson for today... classification comes in a few months as we zoom out! Merry Xmas! Today we wrapped up 2015 with some time to finish our Processing Energy Processes worksheet AND we learned about the chemistry of cookies AND we learned that the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' is actually all about science!!! Truly everything is about science :) For those of you who started vacation early either by choice or illness: BE SURE TO COMPLETE THE WORKSHEET SO YOU CAN TURN IT IN UPON RETURN IN JANUARY. I will have some required time at lunch/after school when we are back in the swing of 2016 for those who are not all caught up with chemistry of cells, movement into/out of cells, and energy processes. Great door decorations to celebrate the season. Enjoy the vacation kids!!! Hope to see you on the slopes!
![]() Today we worked on assessment of energy processes. If you still need to finish the worksheet DO IT TONIGHT... if you were absent either pick one up tomorrow or PRINT THE WORKSHEET SO YOU CAN HAVE IT COMPLETED WHEN YOU RETURN FROM BREAK. I am hopeful we can explore chemistry and energy in a seasonal way tomorrow. One more day... we can do this kids and then VACATION! Best snowy first day of winter today! Today we explored the opposite nature of photosynthesis and respiration. We read pages 52-53 and discovered how organisms make energy when no oxygen is available: FERMENTATION (IF YOU MISSED TODAY'S NOTES ON THE PROCESS OF FERMENTATION PRINT THESE AND ATTACH TO PAGE 76 OF YOUR NOTEBOOK). Tomorrow is a swyk to assess you understanding of these energy processes. Some of you have already started vacation... print the worksheet, do the work, turn in when you are back to school. My hope is to have all worksheets done during class Tuesday so we can have chemistry fun Wednesday!
![]() Today we took one last peek at our eggs... WOW! Osmosis really does go from high to low (totally pulled the water out of the distilled water cups and watered down the sugar solution!). We also observed the energy stored in food when we boiled water with the energy stored in just one almond! That energy releasing process in our cells is called respiration. We read pages 49-51 and took THESE NOTES (PRINT IF YOU WERE GONE AND PUT ON PAGE 75). Monday we shall explore the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration plus discover what cells do when they don't have enough oxygen to respire (it's called fermentation). This is the last weekend to get work caught up from chemistry of cells and diffusion/osmosis. Today we began our understanding of photosynthesis. We read from the textbook pages 46-48; we watched the Ted-ed below; and we took notes on the 5 W's and H of photosynthesis (PRINT THESE IF YOU WERE GONE AND PUT ON PAGE 74). Tomorrow we shall revisit photosynthesis AND discuss how energy is then released by the mighty mitochondrion! Be sure you are all caught up with work from the past weeks! |
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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