Today we worked on our BIOME PROJECT GROUP TASK. If your group chose the digital poster, you only get a "2" on work ethic. Both other options can earn up to a "4" if your work input exceeds expectations. Tomorrow we wrap up our projects to share with others on Monday! Remember if you dress as if you are exploring in your biome you can boost your presentation work ethic score! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you can check what's been shared with you for notes. Most of you can get caught up with your group tomorrow. Some of you still need to TURN IN your notes!
We wrapped up presentations earlier than planned so today was a bonus day to finish biome research (still due 11:59 tonight for all but Period 2 ... they get until 8:25 tomorrow due to the KMS Classic today). Tomorrow your group will decide how to present the information: digital poster, poster quilt, or biome ball. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you still have the same research deadlines... this was research from last week! Only 2 days remain to fix TURTLE LAB WORK! We listened to presentations for the ELA/SS research today. Tomorrow we wrap it up. If you didn't yet present... be ready! If you didn't finish your BIOMES NOTES you still have until 11:59 tomorrow to turn them in. Next up: biome group task. IF YOU MSSED CLASS TODAY you missed presentations and need to finish biome research.
Today we worked on our Biomes Research once again. Be sure to share your notes with your 6 o'clock partner! Some of you still have research to wrap up by Wednesday's due date. You are welcome to visit the science textbooks during study halls (I have a few extra resources too!). IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY be sure to set aside some time this weekend to get research done. Top priority is your ELA/SS presentation, so if you are in school work mode this weekend preparing for the presentation you could add some science work time! There are some pretty cool things happening in science right now ... CHECK IT OUT!!!!! Today we began research for our Biomes project. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you can login to Google Classroom and see what research to start! We have one more research day this week and then next Thursday we work with our groups in the classroom to create the finished project! If you are still working on the Turtles lab you MAY NEED THIS INFORMATION. Today we wrapped up our SWYK on body systems. We also introduced the next project: Biomes. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you will need to take the SWYK when you return and be ready to research in the library tomorrow (we will be starting the Biome project research). Some of you are wrapping up your COUNTING TURTLES LAB from 3 weeks ago! You have until June 1st! FINALLY wrapping up our human body work after some fun dissections. Some of you may have lost sleep trying to get your packets done (watch the video to see what happens to your body when you don't get enough sleep)! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you will need to be ready to SWYK tomorrow. We are shifting our studies from connections of body systems to the connections of ecosystems. Today we explore the innards of a squid. Not the same as sheep, pig, and cow innards (definitely not the same blood level!). Packets were due today whether completed or not. Tomorrow we spend class time reviewing all the systems of the body AND the cells, tissues, and organs within. SWYK is Wednesday. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you missed a dissection... nothing to make up. Be sure your packet is complete so when you return you can turn it in. |
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
September 2024
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