Today we investigated tissues of a chicken wing through dissection. Monday we will dissect a squid. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you can stay Monday after school to dissect a chicken wing, otherwise bummer to miss out! PACKETS DUE ON MONDAY WHETHER DONE OR NOT!
Today we spent the last classroom period to work on our packets. Many of us still have work to finish up! Be sure your work is complete for the final due date on Monday (or you will be required to stay Monday afternoon to finish!). IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY keep working on the packet and get healthy for dissection days- chicken wing tomorrow and squid on Monday!
Today we explored senses, reflexes, and habits. Fun activities! Tomorrow you EITHER get to explore organs OR get one last shot of class time with the Human Body textbooks to finish our 2nd packet. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY be sure to complete packet work and do some watching of the videos this week.
Today we began discussion and understanding of the Nervous System. Tomorrow we shall explore our senses, reflexes, and learned habits (strong connections in our neurons). IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you could watch the videos to get information and write notes (in a syle of your choosing) about the function and structures of the nervous system on page 140 of your notebook. Your partner has a few things to teach you tomorrow as well. Reminder that your packet #2 was due today... make sure to finish up!
Today we wrapped up packet #2 exploring the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems (some of you still need to finish up with your packets as homework tonight!). USE THIS TO HELP WITH YOUR HOMEOSTASIS CEAL. We will explore the Nervous System tomorrow and Wednesday (no packet time in class... visit the Human Body books during study hall, lunch, or after school). Dissections finish out the week! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you will need to keep working on your packet. It is quite interesting how digestion and circulation and respiration and excretion all work together! We need to break down food, bring in oxygen, transport both to cells so they can release energy, and then clean up the waste so we don't die! Pretty neat plan!!! This weekend most of us have quite a bit of work to do. Set the kitchen timer for 30 minutes... watch the video for digestion and check packet work... then take a short break and assess if you need more time... keep working through the videos and systems (some of you may choose to do a little research work for answers!). We will discuss the Excretory System together on Monday as well as check with questions you may still have. Packets are due Monday (or Tuesday if the weekend didn't allow much work time). IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY get working! You still can learn about your body if you do the work!
First packet should be done; second packet underway. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY get working! Tomorrow we learn more about our body systems!
Today we wrapped up the first packet exploring support, movement, and covering of human bodies. Tomorrow we will get another packet to explore energy use, transport, and waste removal! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you will want to finish up the packet (still need one? PRINT IT!). You don't get a new packet until the first one is completely and correctly completed!
Today we began our exploration of the Skeletal and the Muscular systems. We will continue with class work time tomorrow to wrap up muscles and begin exploring skin. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you can work on your packet using internet resources. If you don't yet have a packet or if you lost one you can PRINT A NEW ONE. Today was the last day for any missing plant work. I will accept turtle work tomorrow only.
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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