IT'S VACATION TIME!!! Enjoy the time off and NO, you don't really HAVE to bake cookies or
make peanut brittle, or even ferment some yeast to make bread dough. Just enjoy the break! Today we wrote our SWYK for energy processes... Check back to THIS POST for the question if you were gone. Now we need to let the chemistry continue over vacation... bake some cookies or follow your RECIPE from today and have a fantastic break! Check the blog during vacation for some seasonal humor! See you "next year" in 2015!
![]() Today we had the opportunity to burn an almond releasing the energy stored inside from photosynthesis to boil water... well, most of us did. Today we also had many struggles with following procedure directions. Remember kids, a procedure is a step by step set of instructions explaining what to do and when. I understand that sometimes directions are confusing... but also there are times when you just need to READ THEM! Wrap up the lab questions tonight or tomorrow as you finish your SWYK. Tonight you can start (and even finish) your SWYK... tomorrow in class is the official SWYK time and we will also discuss your holiday work with chemistry! For the SWYK you need to: Explain the importance of respiration, fermentation, and photosynthesis to living things. Discuss the relationships among the three processes. Include any specific molecules, elements, organelles, or other vocabulary from the energy processes work this week. Use specific details from the equations for these energy processes. The difference between a "3" and "4" is relating the processes to each other (I think photosynthesis and respiration have an interesting relation to discuss as does respiration and fermentation). Feel free to add visuals to clarify your point. You will still have time tomorrow in class of course... If you have been absent for the work this week you may want to PRINT THESE NOTES to have some info! Fermentation who, what, when, where, why, and how added on page 74... review text pages 52-53. Hope your arm isn't still cramped from lactic acid!!!
![]() Today we continue with our understanding of energy. Tonight's work is for the release of energy that was stored during the process of photosynthesis: Respiration. It's the same deal as yesterday (only this time on page 73 in the notebook... skipping 3 lines between each of the 5 W's and how)... textbook pages 49-51. You could watch THIS to get an visual of how respiration works. Tomorrow we shall explore the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration. We have some rearranging of molecules to do (with chocolate chips!)... Many of you may have finished today's work in class (good job) and you certainly can get a start on the glossary work if you want. Tonight you have been charged with the task of writing the who, what, when, where, why and how of photosynthesis for homework. THIS VIDEO is a great review of all the steps... you can listen/watch while you read from pages 46-48 of your textbook. We already setup page 72 in our notebook with the 5 W's and H to fill in (if you were absent be sure to skip 3 lines between each question to leave room for your notes). IF you were absent today you missed the review of energy moving in an ecosystem... PRINT THIS and paste on page 71 in your notebook. Read pages 44-45 in your textbook to remember producers and consumers.
Have a fantastic weekend before our energetic week next week! If you have been absent, you should
scroll back through posts to make sure your work is all caught up. Powerschool is up to date as well if you wonder what's missing. Next week is all about ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY! Rest up! Today was a day of exploration with the ipads. Discuss #1 what you already KNEW but now know
more depth and #2 what was NEW to you from apps today on page 70 in your notebook. Tomorrow we shall act like a cell and then next week we shall discuss ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY in more detail! Quick SWYK today on movement of molecules... some did very well... some not so much.
Osmosis and diffusion is a challenging concept. Tomorrow ipads again to explore cells and energy! TOMORROW we will do a quick SWYK and then use the ipads to explore the cell membrane a little more. Did you add notes to page 66? Re-read pages 32-37 and add any information or picture notes missed. Here is a great review video for all the terms and ideas we have been exploring. Today we eggsplored how osmosis effects eggs! Great eggsperiment indeed! Tonight you shall wrap up your lab. Page 68 you will answer the following questions... IF you need the data you will need to call someone from your class (check your contacts page)... I wonder if the eggs are "undoing" right now!?!?!?
ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION: 1. How did the eggs change? Include percent change for BOTH eggs in your discussion. 2. Describe how water moves into your cells after you have a sip of water. Use an illustration in your explanation. 3. Explain why you feel thirsty after you have too much salt or sugar. (I am assuming you will use vocabulary from this section in your answer). |
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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