Today we reviewed what we know about zooming out to ecosystems AND all the vocabulary involved with ecology. We've learned a lot through our studies this year! We also started Finding Nemo with a study packet. Tomorrow we shall continue with both the video and the packet (should wrap up Thursday)... Friday more with the balance of nature and how biotic, abiotic, and human interactions affect ecosystems!!! Yay!
Today we wrapped up our notes (ALL THE ANIMALS... page 142 in notebooks) on all the animals of the world. THEN we dissected a squid!!! Very fun indeed! Those of you who did not get the dissection done due to needing to finish the LAPS will need to read YESTERDAY'S POST for the directions of what to do!!! All finished LAPS pages should be in the basket Tuesday or Wednesday... June 1st is last day for missing work for all of us on Team Paideia!!! Next week is an ecological study of the oceans (watching Finding Nemo)... Almost done with the school year! Be sure to have a wonderful Memorial Day. Remember freedom is not free!!! Today we turned in our From Bacteria to Plants textbooks and we took some notes about all the animals in the world. IF YOU WERE ABSENT TODAY YOU NEED TO PRINT THIS (or copy by hand) and attach to page 142 of your notebook. We also collected Indian Why Stories if you went for the '4' on Tuesday/Wednesday's task (I will be grading your work next week Tuesday/Wednesday). Tomorrow we are hoping to dissect a squid... otherwise we shall do that Tuesday (all depends on the meeting, remember?)! Some of you never did the LAPS activity from last time so you won't be eligible to dissect UNLESS YOU DO ONE TONIGHT. You need to summarize the Science World article about 'Decoding the Octopus' (only that article... no other choices allowed for this time around. Just click this link and sign in as a student using the password kmsscience211.
INDIANS KNEW THE VALUE OF PLANTS... SO SHALL YOU!!! Today we began a research project looking up information about a native plant species. You will have work time tomorrow to wrap up the task. Go for the '4' and create a new 'why story'!
Native Plant Use
Today we wrapped up presentations and some classes watched a video about seed dispersal adaptations... popcorn too!!! Tomorrow we will start a research task learning the uses of plants Native American style.
Today we had a fun run then presentations. Next week we will wrap up presentations and then work on a research task about Native American Plants. Enjoy the time without me... be respectful, responsible, and safe!
Today we wrapped up the last video about plant reproduction... we also explored adaptations of plants. IF you missed today (like I did!) you can easily find information about reproduction and adaptations in the textbook. Tomorrow we will run fast and free during period 2 KMS fun run and then it's time for Team Paideia presentations... Monday we'll wrap up the presentations and then Tuesday/Wednesday explore Native American uses for plants (some of you may choose to write another Indian Why story for your plant!). The year is winding down fast! We will wrap up the year with animals and ecology... and of course SWIMMING!
Today we continued with our understanding of plants and answered how plants obtain and use energy (photosynthesis), how plants respond to their environment (textbook pages 160-164), and reviewed the growth of plants (life cycle from seed to shining seed). Tomorrow plant reproduction. Need the questions? Today we continued with our notes on plants. Today's video helped us understand about the cells, tissues, and organs of plants. We also discussed a bit about the life cycle of plants. If you were absent you can use the textbook to find information (pages 104-111 AND 136-145 are helpful for the organization of plants: cells, tissues, and organs). Tomorrow we will review photosynthesis and discuss how plants respond to their environment and then Thursday is all about plant reproduction. If you didn't set your notebook with the questions you may WANT TO CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE THE QUESTIONS TO ADDRESS IN THE NOTES.
Today we began an introduction to the plants. I hope to be back in the classroom tomorrow... stupid viruses!
Today we took the SWYK on simple organisms. We also explored some foods from simple organisms. Thank you bacteria, algae, and yeast!!! Next up: complex organisms (plants and animals). The video below explores multicellularity and THIS VIDEO EXPLORES THE MIGHTY MITOCHONDRIA'S BEGINNINGS. Enjoy the weekend! |
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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