Hopefully you are working your way through the Looking for Life work. This is quite a interesting discussion of how the ABIOTIC (non-living) parts of ecosystems are impacted by the BIOTIC (living). A quick reminder that I won't be on "teaching duty" this weekend (personal day off tomorrow and then Eli's graduation festivities the rest of the weekend). I will respond to comments/emails Monday morning OR ask me for support TODAY!!! You hopefully finished Flocabulary classification. If not, you were assigned a Taxonomy QUICK SWYK as an alternative. We all have begun to swing through the branches of the tree of life to explore the 6 kingdoms of life. The microbial world is challenging to see without a microscope yet microbes are all around you!!! Check out these videos!
It's our last "week" of the school year! We have a few things to do: Learn about the tree of life exploring the 6 kingdoms AND tie genetics and evolution with classification in a Nova Lab exploration. This last "week" is officially done NEXT Tuesday, June 2nd. All work is posted in Google Classroom BTW today is the last day to finish the Flocabulary classification work (it "locks" at midnight). This weekend you may be off adventuring since it's a holiday weekend!!! Maybe you are finishing your Nature at Work lab or Flocabulary classification work. Maybe you want a jump start for next week's work. WE WILL BE EXPLORING EVOLUTION NOVA LAB in addition to a few other tasks (time to swing through the branches of the tree of life). Make sure you login to the Nova Labs with your school google account so you save any progress you've made!
I think it is interesting how species is one of our Darwin terms AND it's one of our classification terms. Keep working on your science: Nature at Work lab AND Flocabulary work. AS ALWAYS email me/comment in assignments for my support.
Often it's Latin more than Greek! Scientific names are the most specific way to classify living things. Genus and species together makes a scientific name. Common names are usually how we identify organisms (even in field guides we tend to use the common name) but that can be misleading depending on where you live! A daddy long legs in England is a mosquito eater here in the US! They call OUR daddy long legs a harvestman (which isn't a spider ... it IS in arachnid class BUT not the same ORDER!). Keep working in Flocabulary! Make sure you finish your Nature at Work lab FIRST. So many of you seem to forget there are many steps to the wheel (background knowledge, the question, the hypothesis, the data collection, analyzing the data, analyzing the overall results of the lab, and writing a conclusion with NO ERRORS to share with me). It is likely you will need to revise and edit your first submission a few times!!! Let's bring all the work from the last few months and discuss how scientist group, sort, and organize all the living things in the world. Genetics plays a part as simple mutations can result in great diversity of life. THIS WEEK you need to finish the lab (vocabulary work should already be finished) and then get into classification of living things. We have a new Flocabulary task to do this week. Check Google Classroom for the details! HOPEFULLY you are all done with your Hello Mr. Darwin vocabulary (and SWYK) as well as the Nature at Work lab analysis and conclusion. If not, be sure to wrap it up this weekend as we are starting a new topic next week: Classification. We will explore all the organisms in the world and the interactions of these organisms within their ecosystems. Even ecosystems seem to evolve ... can organisms adapt and change with it? |
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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