Today we had some SBAC math testing and a little bit of science class. Tomorrow more of the same. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you will need to not only make up SBAC when you return. We will work out the missing science work as the week continues (Powerschool is up to date! Check for missing work!)...
Today we researched how Native Americans have used native plants for medicine, food, and a variety of other uses. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you will need to look for the instructions in your science Google Classroom. Work should be completed by next Wednesday (we have SBAC Monday/Tuesday and I will start collecting notebooks to grade on Wednesday). Is your PLANT WALK done yet?
Today we discussed the characteristics of plants. We discovered that we already know an awful lot about the plant kingdom from how they obtain energy through photosynthesis to how they grow, develop, and reproduce when seeds sprout roots, grow stems and leaves, and then produce flowers (or cones) and develop fruits full of seeds (or cones full of seeds) to survival adaptations such as cactus thorns and fleshy fruits that scream "eat me and poop out my seeds" and more! Tomorrow we will research how the Native Americans have used various native plants (you can check the instructions in your science Google Classroom). IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you can review the video below and remember to take your PLANT WALK. Today we reviewed the process of photosynthesis AND were introduced to all the different plant groups we know. We also did some some calculating of just how much oxygen trees bring to us! Tonight (or tomorrow) we need to take a PLANT WALK and explore life! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you need to take a plant walk too!
Today we continued exploration of the fungus among us. Our focus was on the beneficial fungi (not the bad guys causing diseases like athlete's foot and spoiling our foods). We added 5 things GOOD about the fungi on page 125 of our notebook (another high five). IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you may not have the FABULOUS FUNGI FACTS yet ... Add to page 124 of your notebook! This site has some wonderful fungi information to help fill in your high five! Today we started discussing characteristics of the Fungi kingdom. Tomorrow we will explore more about the fungus among us. Amazing that fungi are such an important part of any ecosystem! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you can catch up the notes tomorrow. Today we had the opportunity to explore some of the Protists we find in ponds and lakes. Some of the samples were live and moving; some were prepared slides (but cool nonetheless). IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you missed microscope time. Watch the videos below to have a mini-lesson on Protists instead. Visit THE VIRTUAL POND DIP and add a few examples of single celled protists with labeled illustrations to your notebook page 123. Today we explored the world of Protista. Definitely the "junk drawer" of the tree of life: not quite plants, not quite animals, and not quite fungi. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you can add THESE NOTES to your notebook on page 122. Tomorrow we will look at protists using the microscpes and do some drawing/labeling of at least one example on page 123 of our notebook..
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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