![]() Today we assessed knowledge of Genetics 101: DNA structure and function. I will have your quizzes to you Monday... Did you finish your current event today? I sure hope so! Can't turn in December ones anymore... January may be turned in Monday (but if not you will stay Monday after school for detention)... Have a great weekend! REGISTRATION FORMS DUE NEXT WEEK... REGISTRATION HANDBOOK HERE
Fun to review the cell today... HERE is an oldie but goodie...
Tomorrow is Genetics 101 information... make sure you have all notes about DNA and cell division (scroll past entries for any days you may have missed)... HANDBOOK FOR REGISTRATION Today we extracted the DNA from a strawberry! Really we did! You need to finish the conclusion questions tonight (QUESTIONS ARE BELOW THE SLIDE SHOW!). Tomorrow we review ALL the functions of cell organelles! REGISTRATION HANDBOOK LINK RIGHT HERE! DNA Extraction Analysis and Conclusion
Answer each question in complete sentences. 1. Each step in the procedure helped in isolating the DNA from other cellular materials. Explain each step of the procedure and the function of that step: A. Initial smashing and grinding of strawberry B. Mush strawberry with salty/soapy solution C. Filter strawberry slurry through coffee filter D. Addition of ethanol to filtered extract 2. In order to study our genes, scientists must first extract the DNA from human tissue. Would you expect the method of DNA extraction to be the same for Human DNA? Explain why or why not? 3. Would the DNA be the same in every cell in the human body? Explain why or why not. 4. List two reasons why a scientist might want to study the DNA of strawberries. 5. We know that scientific investigation is a wheel that rolls on and on as we ask new questions. List TWO new questions generated from doing this DNA extraction lab activity. ![]() Mutations are simply errors or changes in DNA. Maybe it's a good mutation (extra fur for a Canadian mouse) or a bad mutation (that extra fur is on an Arizona mouse)... maybe it doesn't matter anyway (ATT, ATG, ATA, and ATC all "spell" leucine). HERE is the added notes from today (page 3 for today... other pages for all the Genetics 101 of DNA so far)... Tonight you complete the End of Section Questions p. 103 1abc, 2abc, and 3ab... loose leaf paper, use complete sentences, re-read the text as needed for details. Due Wednesday (tomorrow). THIS POST may be helpful with explanations for your homework... Tomorrow we shall extract DNA from a strawberry... Current events due Friday (detention will be Monday, February 3rd if not done...) REGISTRATION HANDBOOK HERE Today we decoded a set of instructions to create organisms... just like ribosomes read decoded DNA! Crocodiles, tigers, and zebras OH MY! A few of the tigers even ended up with spots! I think there was a mutation OR some switching of genes in the gene pool! Oh the discussions we will have next week and beyond... genetics, mutations, heredity, and adaptations. Oh the stories of DNA! ![]() Today we read of DNA's code as well as the role of RNA in protein synthesis. HERE is a cool animation to show more about this process. Do you want more? How about THIS ONE? (you can skip ahead to 2:16- the meat of today's lesson). Need more on the recipe angle I discussed? Watch THIS... (I like this one BEST OF ALL)... HERE are the notes from today... leave the blank part of the page as we will add to the notes next Tuesday! Today was the assessment of what you know of the sequence, stages, events, and purpose of cell division. Tomorrow we learn how to "read" DNA... get your ribosome on kids!
![]() Review the stages, sequence, events, and purpose of cell division tonight... testing tomorrow. I finally found the uploaded video! Check out my channel and see what other videos I added... Whew this technology business is often confusing to my old brain... PS... this was a great video on cancer... watch again? (period 2 it DOES have sound!)... HERE is a fantastic review as well... |
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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