Time to wrap it up (well ... genetics unit wrap-up ... we still have school until June 9th though NOT in KMS proper. Boo hoo)
HERE'S WHAT TO DO 1) Finish your MIDTERM TIME check in task with your parents. For some of you this will give double credit for now and the missing T2 conference sheet. 2) Finish the Flocabulary Fun work. Remember some of you MUST do this and some of you CAN choose to do this. Good review of all heredity. 3) Complete the lesson on Meiosis (sex cell formation) and fill in the Venn diagram fully with what I've asked for (either venn or t-chart ... not both) 4) Flip coins to find out dominant or recessive traits and DRAW a kid to add to the class yearbook (Faces Lab). 5) AFTER all work is done (and I've graded or commented you are okay to go forward) you can then take the final Show What You Know for Genetics.
REMINDER the Midterm Check is to be done WITH your parents by your side. TOMORROW IS FINAL SWYK!!! Make sure you get all genetics work completed FIRST for best success. New unit starts Monday!!! (sadly this would be when we model meiosis with oreos ... sigh) Chromosomes, genes, and Punnett squares are all connected because of reproduction. Today we added work about the formation of sex cells: egg and sperm. MEIOSIS is sex cell division making egg or sperm AND allows for the variety in inheriting alleles. Meiosis is the process where we cut the number of chromosomes in half (1/2 + 1/2 = 1 set; 1 set + 1 set = 2 many!). We have a venn to compare and contrast the processes of Mitosis and Meiosis to do. Add the cell # start to finish for both processes; chromosome # start to finish; what steps (phases) each uses; and the purpose of these two processes. You can use the Venn diagram OR a T-chart I've provided in Google Classroom!
We also added a Faces Lab to illustrate all that we've discussed about chromosomes, genes, AND meiosis WITH the Punnett Square. Do the Meiosis work FIRST and then the Face Lab (in addition to the midterm checkup with your folks!!! REMEMBER no more BrainPOP... if you are missing this task you now need to do Flocabulary. Especially another Monday in quarantine! Sigh. We are now at the mid-point of the final trimester of our 7th grade year! It's time to take a look at the work we've done (or not done).
All BrainPOP work is done now whether you did it or you didn't (if you DIDN'T I'm so sorry but it's time for us to move on). I have assigned a NEW task to try instead (Flocabulary ... we shall see how this one goes!). Check your Google Classroom stream and classwork. This week you need to sit down with your folks and complete the MIDTERM TIME checkup with your folks Finish this task this week WHILE YOU ALSO DO THE SCIENCE WORK FOR THIS WEEK. It's a busy wrap up of genetics. I am adding a fun lab to review so hopefully THAT will be something fun! Okay ... next week we are finishing our genetics unit but TOMORROW is DNA DAY (DNA Day is celebrated on April 25 each year and commemorates both the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, and the description of DNA's double helix by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 ... both occurred on April 25th!!). I am hopeful that you have your notebooks at home and you have updated your GOSATOT with Mendel and with Punnett (we already have Watson and Crick). If not, at least watch this animation to check out the history of DNA work or take yourself back to the beginning of our genetics unit as we started OUR journey understanding DNA/heredity/ and genetics and review. Next week we will both wrap up the unit AND do a midterm assessment. As always: email me &/or comment in google classroom work to ask for support!!! I have purposely been avoiding posting about the virus since we are still impacted by it (remember soooooo long ago when we first started tracking the worldwide data? WOW ya?) Well... there was an awesome article yesterday that I just have to share Solving the Mysteries of the Coronavirus with GENETIC fingerprints!!! We will actually discuss more on the virus after we do the next unit as we explore the diversity of life. HOPING maybe when we are together again in a classroom for that, but if not seems fitting to discuss more depth of that dastardly virus affecting us (and NO we don't yet know what the school board has decided).
On another note if you have not had success in logging into BrainPOP at all PLEASE comment on the BrainPOP check in OR email me. I have an alternative to share with you. I added a bonus offering in Google Classroom today. You may choose to celebrate Earth Day and select options from the options OR maybe you skip it. I am going to do some garden work AND watch the Lorax tonight (I'm going for the original version but I do like the remake too). Keep working on your genetics and as always PLEASE email/comment if you need support from me! Brainpop has been such a pain to work with BUT still keep trying please and thank you.
BrainPOP is still giving us some issues UGH. You may work on the new task this week (Mendel meme) however you should try to finish all other work from the past few weeks FIRST (they are past due). Remember there are many resources linked for you in Google Classroom to support the Punnett Square work AND in my blog posts AND you can still check out The Gene. As always email/comment to me for support. I will be adding some live class time this week as well! Today kicks off a review week. Review all the concepts of the past few weeks (and get finished with all the tasks). We also have a SWYK this week. Check Google Classroom for the SWYK (and the BrainPOP work to do). I am working on grading the BrainPOP tasks today since the system was down much of the weekend. Some of you will need to redo the Punnett work if you don't understand clearly on the worksheet/vocabulary tasks. That's okay ... I will be doing some "virtual classes" this week to support you... hopefully you get an invite link! (PS it's also Earth Day on Wednesday... bonus fun ahead for you) This week we learned a lot more vocabulary terms!!! In addition to last week's: genetics, DNA, RNA, mutations, heredity, genes,chromosomes, and dominant and recessive traits we have added: alleles, purebred, hybrid, heterozygous, homozygous, phenotype, and genotype, plus PUNNETT SQUARES! Wow!!! Some of these terms have been clearly defined in your Brainpop work while some have been used in the videos/resources. The most important of all these terms is GENETICS. Be sure to add that word to your glossary, okay?!
Today is officially a "day off" because IF we were IN school we'd have the district music festival today and no school. I am still putting in time to check email/comments/and update grades. Let me know if you need support! Have a great weekend! |
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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