IF you were absent today and did not already pick up the articles you may follow THIS LAPS PROTOCOL (it's shorter than the others we have done) and choose ONE OF THESE TWO ARTICLES (use loose leaf for work).
Today we explored how disease can spread worldwide by playing Plague, Inc... IF you are interested in learning more you should watch THIS TED-ED about how pandemics spread worldwide. The embedded video below gives you a brief view of how rapidly disease can spread! Tomorrow we explore viruses in the news with a brief LAPS. IF you will be gone be sure to check the blog tomorrow for the articles! Stay healthy!!! Today we wrapped up the virus video and discussed how to keep ourselves healthy! Read pages 60-65 and take notes that answer the key questions listed on page 60 (notebook page 125). If you were absent you missed great music and class work time. Tomorrow is Plague, Inc. time... we have the app for the ipads so no need to purchase BUT if you already own the app you can bring your device tomorrow for science class! THIS WEBSITE is pretty amazing to discuss gene therapy and allows YOU to interactively explore fixing genomes! We will revisit keeping healthy when we return from break as we discuss bacteria's role in our lives.
Today we discussed more about viruses and fighting the diseases they cause. We will continue both the video and the discussion tomorrow. THIS SIMULATOR is fun to run to explore vaccination rate effectiveness as well as the effects of population numbers and population mixing. We will explore these factors as we play Plague, Inc. Thursday in class (bring your own device if you already own the app). Stay healthy! Today we began our understanding of viruses... not quite a living thing yet quite annoying TO living things! We created a venn diagram comparing and contrasting viruses with living things (pages 40-46 in the textbook; page 123 in your notebook). Tomorrow we shall explore more with viruses (and vaccination!)... AWESOME virus song #1 AWESOME virus song #2 (Tatum's uncle)
Today we took a quick SWYK to show what we know about classification. Good work! We also discussed the tree of life and the 6 kingdoms and their characteristics. And then there is that swing... VIRUSES! More on viruses and diseases (especially fighting them) next week! IF you still didn't finish classification work you have a busy weekend ahead of you since you sure didn't work much this week! HERE IS TODAY'S VIDEO AGAIN! IF you were absent today PRINT THIS and attach to page 122. You also will make up the SWYK next week.
Today we checked if our classification keys worked! IF you still have notes to complete or a key to tweak do so tonight. Tomorrow we SWYK for classification. Then we shall begin the exploration of all life (and more)! Today we continued working with classification. Tonight do p. 24 #3b only (in notebook end of notes) and design a key for an apple, orange, banana, and strawberry. Tomorrow we shall discover if your key works! Classification of a Koala bear... not an Ursidae!
Today we continued learning the classification of organisms. Tonight you need to wrap up your notes from pages 16-24... use THIS OUTLINE FORM. I will check notes tomorrow as you work on your classification key.
Today we began understanding how scientists classify organisms. Homework is notes using outline structure. Not sure what to do? READ THIS Tomorrow we shall discuss scientific naming as well as begin learning the levels of classification we currently use. The notes are YOUR investment into learning the content... the activities we do over the next few days in class are MY investment in your learning. Let's work together here!
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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