Today we explored careers that use the knowledge of cells and cell biology. We looked at the wordle above and picked 3 jobs that popped out to us. Then on notebook page 85 (and 86 if needed) we listed: 1) What do you do as a ... (the actual job description), 2) what schooling is needed for this job (degree needed, how many years, etc), and 3) at least 3 other factoids of information about the job (such as $, location, benefits, prestige, etc.). IF YOU WERE ABSENT you can easily do this task at home this weekend OR you can come in before school, after school, or at lunch Monday or Tuesday for my help. Indian Why final draft stapled with all rough draft work was also due today... not done? FINISH! New unit starts Monday: Genetics and Heredity!
Today we had work time for our Indian Why Story. Tonight we write our final drafts (be sure to save all rough draft work... all will be stapled together and turned in). Your story should follow the tradition and custom of native stories (TODAY'S MOUNTAIN LION STORY IS HERE). Be sure to include the elements of a good story as you are writing so we have interesting and creative explanations. Rough and final draft DUE TOMORROW!
Today we began our own Indian Why story to explain how something has come to be... ie: how leopard got his spots or how porcupine has sharp quills. NOT science's story of DNA, mutation, evolution, and adaptation but rather a creative story of your own design. Tonight be sure to have a rough draft of your story finished to share and edit tomorrow in class. Be creative. Remember the native story telling tradition gives human qualities to animals and often will have Old Man or Elder Brother or Sister Earth. Be sure your story has interest: developing characters, rising action, climax/conflict, resolving action. Know that you will need to do editing and revising tomorrow and it's OKAY!!! If you were gone and need more guidance for this task either email me, call a friend, or come visit during home base study hall on Thursday! NEED MOTIVATION? CLICK HERE FOR NATIVE DRUM MUSIC. Perfect to set the mood and get writing. Have a completed draft done! Tomorrow we edit/revise and then final story is due Friday. Storytelling is an oral tradition so will you share?
Today we extracted DNA from a strawberry... mooshed and gooshed and chemically broke apart the organ to the tissues to the cells to the organelles to release the molecule of DNA inside! If you missed today you missed the fun... bummer. Tomorrow we shall explore the Native American style of explaining why things come to be as we write our own Indian Why Stories... Science says DNA is the reason! WATCH THIS VIDEO AGAIN!!!
Today we took a quick SWYK to assess our understanding of the nucleus (DNA/cell division/protein synthesis). IF you were absent I shall hunt you down next week to wrap this up. I collected notebooks today for a midterm (and midyear) notebook check. Next week we are in a transition from one unit to the next. Fun stuff on the horizon in science class for sure: DNA extraction lab, story writing and telling, AND a conference sheet! Our next unit is all about genetics and heredity. How are we how we are? Very fun stuff indeed!!!
Today we decoded instructions to build an organism JUST LIKE mRNA decodes DNA and how ribosomes read the instructions and build proteins from amino acids (and those proteins build organisms too!). IF you missed class today you missed a fun activity... the slideshow is of our resulting critters. Interesting how a few genes were mutated resulting in a new organism... Hmmmm... wonder if that explains our diversity of life?!?! (science says YES!). Tomorrow we wrap up the Nucleus 101 information as we get ready to switch to our next unit of Genetics and Heredity. I will collect notebooks tomorrow for a grade check... be sure the Table of Contents, Glossary, Giants in Science and Tools of Technology, and all notes/work is good to go! Next week we will extract DNA from a strawberry, discuss creative ways to explain the diversity of organisms (Indian Education For All style) AND will have another conference sheet to show off our amazing science learning to our folks. Maybe you'd like to make your own playdough to build a critter THIS IS THE RECIPE I USED!
Today we learned about DNA's other job: protein synthesis. We learned about a new molecule called RNA and we reviewed the role of the ribosomes. We also added notes to our Nucleus 101 notes. If you were absent today you should read about DNA pages 98-103 AND print THE NOTES WE TOOK OR WRITE THEM IN NOTEBOOK ON PAGE 81). Tomorrow we continue with our discussion of protein synthesis (the video below illustrates the process in a very helpful informative way). We shall decode instructions just like RNA decodes DNA instructions and then build a critter just like your ribosomes build proteins. Flipbooks are late! Finish!!! I will collect notebooks on Friday for a midterm grade... are you caught up? Get caught up!!! We watched another video today explaining DNA CLICK ME TO WATCH THE TWISTED TALE OF DNA
Today we turned in our flipbooks, had a planner check, and discussed cancer once again (pages 64-67 of textbook). This week is the last week to get any of the work from the Cell Structures and Functions unit turned in! I will collect your notebooks on Friday for a midterm notebook grade (we are halfway done with the school year this week!). Check powerschool for any missing indicators. I will be available after school for any make ups for last Friday's SWYK. Come in ... be caught up ... do great work ... be an awesome scientist!!! |
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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