Today we were busy with stations on digestion, circulation, and respiration. Monday we shall wrap up the body systems with excretion and the nervous system and senses. Such a quick study of the body systems! Termite labs were due today. The rest of next week is all about Ecology and the interactions of all life!
![]() Today we explored the tissues of a chicken wing. We were able to see skin, fascia, muscle, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, blood, marrow, fat, and feathers. I will admit you may have a challenge eating chicken this evening (share all you know with your family as you eat... it's not playing with your food if learning is involved!). Look for similar structures in pork or beef too... Tonight you have one job: to finish your termite lab. IF you need reminders of what to do for Google classroom or the final draft you will want to review last Friday's post. I will collect notebooks tomorrow from those who don't have a formal typed lab to turn in. Make sure all the expected work is completed! Tomorrow we explore the digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, and excretory system. Today we began a more in depth (yet still very brief) study of the skeletal, muscular, and integumentary (skin) systems. If you were absent today make sure to come during study hall tomorrow to get the worksheet and explore the bins. We will explore the tissues of the arm of a chicken tomorrow (DISSECTION!). More systems rotations on Friday (circulatory, digestive, respiratory, and excretory) and then nervous system on Monday. Termites lab is due Friday all typed up (or I will grab notebooks for rough draft... be sure ALL of lab is done)
Termite labs typed up this week... due Friday. Snack on some bugs and build your human body strong? So for those of you who didn't write it down YES your lab is due next Friday... enjoy the weekend!
Today we spent our day working on the conclusion (and intro and analysis) to our termites lab. If you are choosing to go for the "4" in work ethic you will type (or neatly write in ink) all the steps of the lab. I have set up a Google classroom for you to use if you want to have a template for either a typed lab or a powerpoint. You of course can still use a flash drive, print a copy, or email BUT isn't classroom easier? Class codes are: Period 1 78vjdv9 Period 3 bmyeu8 Period 4 ro61y7r Period 5 hkzbrou Period 6 dwp594v Reminder there will be no more class time to do this work so any finishing up is ON YOU!
Today we continued preparing for the Termite Trials data collection tomorrow. You should have your lab notebook ready to go with your question, your hypothesis, materials listed, step by step procedure, and data table for results when you walk in for class tomorrow. You can work on the introduction/ background info tonight as well, but not required for clearance to collect the data tomorrow... procedure is! Be ready!!! After collecting results I will give you some analysis questions and then you can work on the conclusion. Friday all class is time for conclusion work. Many of you will then choose to type this into a final fantastic lab product!
Today we began our investigation about termites following trail pheromones. Tonight your homework is to ask your question about how termites follow ballpoint pens. Tomorrow we will spend class time to fine tune your investigation and then collect data on Thursday. IF YOU WERE ABSENT you can read the instructions or call someone to tell you about the investigation. WATCH THIS for some background on how termites behave.
Today was our squid dissection... very fun to do and even more fun if you grabbed some steaks for calamari! I find the chromatophores to be the most interesting adaptation of squid... the ability to blend in is very cool! Tomorrow we shall design an experiment to investigate the behavior of termites. Standard 1 here we come!
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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