Today we explored Tick Bait (TB's Universe on the ipad) and answered some questions: Why is she is named Tick Bait? What are 3-5 things smaller than a cell? Summarize what you learned in the app? We also compared and contrasted TB's Universe with The Scale of the Universe app (we used a Venn diagram or narrative paragraph to answer this question). IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY: Explore THIS LINK (you need flash) and list 3-5 things smaller than a cell and THEN summarize (5-8 sentences) what you have learned about exploring the Scale of the Universe 2. Write your answers in your notebook on page 33. Would you like to read more the critters living on you (like ticks living on TB)? READ THIS ARTICLE!!! It's midterm time! Today we made sure we had all work in from this trimester (required detention tomorrow after school if work still not completed when you arrive tomorrow!). For those of you wishing to improve the graph score USE THIS DATA to submit a redone graph (% for a "4"). We also explored how scientific facts, hypotheses, and theories come about (hint... we use evidence/data to draw conclusions). IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY watch THIS VIDEO in addition to the one below and add THEORY to your glossary!!! Today we assessed our understanding of graphs and graphing. We also took the time to make sure our table of contents, our glossary, and our GOSATOT is all caught up. Some of us still need to finish the OREO CONCLUSION over the weekend (I'd do it or you will have a required detention Tuesday to get it finished!). IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you will need to complete the SWYK upon your return. Graphs!!!
Today we discussed data analysis and discovered math skills are really science skills. Tomorrow we will continue with our analysis of data AND do some graphing work. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you can list THESE MATH SKILLS in your notebook on page 29 ... or print and tape in.
Some of you still need to finish your OREO CONceal_wheel_conclusion.pdfCLUSION ... be sure to "turn in" tonight! Today we had the opportunity to wrap up Oreo conclusions: Is a Double Stuf Oreo REALLY double the stuff of a Regular Oreo? Be sure to "turn in" your work by 11:59 tomorrow. Data analysis practice tomorrow! Remember the scientific process is a wheel that spins over and over and over with new observations, inferences, and technologies! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY watch the video below (and finish CEAL)! Today we began work on the Oreo Conclusion. Log in to Google Classroom and continue your work. One more in class day of work tomorrow. Have an adult give some input to your paragraph before you turn in! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you can login and begin the work too... Let me know if you have Q's!!! Today we had the opportunity to analyze our data. Turns out... not quite double the stuf (unless you are discussing height... Regular Oreos were 2.5 mm tall and Double Stuf were 5 mm)! However the mass measurements were not double! The cookie wafers were exactly the same (8.6 g) but Regular Oreos on average had 3.2 g of stuf and Double Stuf only had 6.1 g (not double)! We had accurate data to work with this time! Spend some time this weekend writing your conclusion. Use actual numbers as EVIDENCE and use the answers to the analysis questions in your ANALYSIS. We will have Chromebooks for use in class Monday and Tuesday next week... coming in with a draft ready to go will help your dissection work go smoothly! IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY you can use the averages to write a conclusion... or stay after school when you return to get your own data! Next up in class: how does scientific knowledge change over time ... AND designing and testing our own scientific question! Cool science happening here!!!
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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