Today we discussed the zooming in from organelles to compounds/molecules and even further to elements/atoms. We checked in with Tim and Moby for a Brainpop explaining about body chemistry as we began reading Chapter 1 Section 3 (just pages 25-26 today). We added the definitions for elements, atoms, compounds, and molecules to our glossary (absent today? Read about these terms in your book and define in your glossary). We shall do full THIEVES work next M, T, and W as we understand more about how atoms make up molecules which make up and are used by organelles to keep cells/organisms alive! Maybe you would like to revisit the zooming of the scale of the universe... CLICK THIS
Today we had the opportunity to Show What We Know about cell organelles and their functions. IF you missed school today you will need to make up the SWYK during lunch or after school either Friday or Monday. Tonight is the last possible night for any cell projects to be completed. Powerschool is up to date with the scores from this project (1.4 modeling scientific concepts; 3.1 cell structures; and a work ethic standard)... zeros and a missing indicator means DO IT! AAAAAAK!!! Tomorrow we zoom in to molecules and atoms...
Today we reviewed cell organelles and their functions as we acted like a cell! Wow did we have some bossy nuclei! The DNA/chromatin instructions told the ribosomes to write protein messages to send to the rest of the cell to do their job! Mitochondria picked up oxygen and carbohydrates to give jumping jack energy to the cell. Water allowed the cytoplasm to flow flow flow. The golgi picked up those protein messages and the lysosome recycled them for use once again by the organelles. Thank goodness the vacuole had baggies to pick up any food, oxygen, and water needed by the cell. A fun day BEING organelles. SWYK tomorrow! If you weren't able to make up the cheek and onion lab you may want to
WATCH THIS VIDEO for the experience. Or not... you choose :) Today we observed cheek and onion cells with the microscopes. IF you were absent you can come to PRIDE on Wednesday to make up this lab, otherwise it's just one you miss... bummer. Tonight some of you need to finish your cell project. ALL OF YOU SHOULD STUDY YOUR ORGANELLES! Flash cards? Videos? Notes? Games? Songs? Finish unfinished notes? The organelle SWYK is Thursday. Tomorrow we shall review how the organelles do their jobs. Friday we zoom in further and explore the molecules and elements found in cells.
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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