Today we wrapped up the unit all about work of scientists... Monday tying up loose ends and then zoom! Some of you still have some work to make up this weekend... Oreo... graphs...cracking the method. Do it!!! Today we continued with data analysis. Graphs were turned in and our math performance task was started. Tomorrow we will finish the performance task (periods 5 and 6 will start AND finish with the sub). Oreo conclusions still not done? Graphs still not done? DO THEM TONIGHT!!! Any questions? Review this past week of the blog posts and see if you can find the answers... otherwise email me and I can answer them (You can't use your sd5 email address though... I can't reply to you!) Tonight you have two more graphs to do! One graph is Starburst Preference for Team Paideia Students; the other is the birthday data we collected in class. IF you were gone today you can ask anyone for the starburst data but get the birthday data from me (or another classmate). If you are choosing to go for the "4" on your graphs remember to do class data for one birthday and then do percentages for the whole team (TEAM BIRTHDAY DATA TABLE IS RIGHT HERE... CLICK AND RECORD/PRINT). Oreo conclusion done?
Tonight you have a graph to do: boys vs. girls in your class. IF you were absent you need to ask someone from your class how many boys and girls we have and then graph (IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO GRAPH: PRINT THESE NOTES AND ATTACH TO PAGE 33 OF YOUR NOTEBOOK). Tomorrow we add more to graphing and continue discussion of data analysis! Some of you still have oreo conclusions to write. Do a CEAL.
Oh my! Math skills are the same as science skills used in data analysis! IF you missed class today you will need to get the list of skills (copy from anyone or see me for the list) AND make up a missed quick SWYK on variables (this one you have to see me for... HomeBase or lunch or after school). Oreo conclusions should be done and turned in. Still working on the CEAL PARAGRAPH? Finish tonight? Graphs tomorrow!
We discovered that Double Stuf Oreos are not quite double the "stuff" of a regular Oreo. Close... but not quite (unless we rounded 3.2 g average stuf to 3 in a regular and then rounded 6.1 g average stuf to 6 for double). We need to wrap up conclusions this weekend. The CEAL paragraph for a science conclusion follows the steps of the wheel (THIS IS A GRAPHIC REMINDING YOU OF THE CEAL WHEEL). We will take a look at data analysis next week and explore how we can use math to solve many questions in science!!! We sure have more questions now about Oreos and data collection and science and math and analysis!!!
Today we collected our data to discover if Oreo Double Stuf are actually double the "stuff" of a regular Oreo. If you missed class today you can get the data and analysis questions tomorrow. If you WERE IN CLASS you should start analysis tonight: calculate averages and work on the ANALYSIS QUESTIONS. Tomorrow we will continue analysis and work on the conclusion CEAL paragraph. Anyone who still owes Monday's CRACKING THE METHOD will have detention next Monday after school if not completed tomorrow! Yikes!!!
Today we discussed our water drop experiment and whether or not we have a theory of water drop behavior. Not YET!!! Too many unanswered questions still! Does the angle matter? Does the temperature matter? Does the amount of water per drop matter? Etc... Much better experiment but STILL doesn't answer all. Tomorrow we shall discover if Double Stuf Oreos truly have double the "stuff" of a regular Oreo. Fun!!! You only have homework tonight if you still are not done with CRACKING THE METHOD worksheet. Do it!!! (today's video if you care to watch AGAIN)
Rolling or sliding? What are these water drops doing as they move down a surface? Today's investigation had us hypothesizing and then observing water drops rolling or sliding. Tonight you need to finish analysis questions and conclude what we think water drops are doing! We shall discuss our results in class tomorrow and find out if indeed a water drop theory can be proposed! IF you missed class please come during lunch or after school to make up this investigation. Some need to finish CRACKING THE METHOD still! Tonight you have homework... actual "finish this outside of class time" work to do! I need to assess where you are with understanding of variables, questions, hypotheses, and procedure. CRACKING THE METHOD worksheet due tomorrow as you enter the classroom. We will do another investigation tomorrow and then have MORE homework with analysis/conclusion questions! Sheesh Hunt, what gives?!?! Time to DO science!
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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