Today we watched a video (Bill Nye), caught up on missing Venn diagrams (see yesterday's post for what to include), and even listened to a SCIENCE LOVE SONG. This weekend we can either chillax and have fun OR we can start reading and taking notes about Advances in Genetics (textbook p. 123-128 notebook page 100+). Next week we will discuss these advances in genetics and understand more about human inheritance. Enjoy! Today we compared and contrasted the processes of Mitosis and Meiosis. We looked at the cell # start to finish for both processes; chromosome # start to finish; what steps (phases) each uses; and the purpose of these two processes. You can use a Venn diagram OR a T-chart to compare and contrast (loose leaf). THIS WAS A VERY HELPFUL VIDEO. Most of us finished in class but some of us need to wrap up the Venn tonight.
Tomorrow we watch Bill Nye AND have another quick SWYK about genetic work so far. Long weekend ahead!
Today we transitioned from practice to SWYK for Punnett squares. IF you are working on your SWYK tonight... show what YOU know... no notes... DUE TOMORROW. IF you are still wrapping up your practice tonight I will clear you for the SWYK tomorrow. Tomorrow we will discuss meiosis (sex cell formation).
Today we worked on our Punnett square use. IF you finished your EOSQ's from page 89 (either on looseleaf or in notebook p. 95) THEN you could move on to the punnett practice worksheet. Tonight you need to finish this worksheet. WATCH THIS &/or visit the online GENE SCREEN for help with your worksheet tonight!
Tomorrow we will check your progress and move on to some more Punnetts with a "SWYK" worksheet. Today we learned about a cool tool called the Punnett square to predict the likelihood of certain alleles to be passed from parent to offspring. HERE IS TODAY'S VIDEO ONCE AGAIN about Mendel's peas and how Punnett squares are used. This weekend you will complete the End of Section Q's on p. 89 to review the ideas discussed today (either do questions on loose leaf OR in your notebook on page 95). If you were absent today you can read the whole chapter 3 section 2 and write the steps for how to do a Punnett square in your notebook page 94 (top of pages 86-87 in textbook lists the 5 steps for you to copy). Monday we practice!
Today we explored some human traits. One of the more complex traits is eye color THIS EXPLAINS MORE about how eye colors may look different (and the genes involved). Tomorrow we learn about Punnetts! Tonight is catch up night for notes, worksheets, and vocabulary for Mendel's Work... scroll this weeks' posts for more details if needed. Your registration forms should be in... but HERE IS THE BOOKLET if you need.
Today we checked our Mendel's Work WORKSHEET and checked the effectiveness of our notes. Tonight you have some vocabulary to enter into your glossary. Make sure to have the word, the phonetic spelling, the definition, and add an example &/or picture &/or sentence using the term. So far this unit we have discussed: genome, genetics, heredity, fertilization, trait, dominant, recessive, alleles, purebred, and hybrid. We have already discussed DNA, RNA, chromosome, gene, and probability. Tomorrow we explore dominant and recessive human traits. I would encourage you to explore THIS SITE for lots of great learning of genetics. It's registration time!!! You can find the REGISTRATION BOOKLET BY CLICKING HERE
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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