Today we reviewed our body systems to prepare for tomorrow's SWYK (no notes for this one!). We turned in our completed packets as well. IF you are not done with your packet yet: click on the video below, let the soothing music go deep into your brainwaves, and hunker down for a finishing up time! Be sure to have a GREAT GRAPH and your paragraph needs to be solid CEAL work (I will have you redo)! You only have access to this human body textbook one more day AND you'll miss out on the iPad dissections! Review pages 6-200 of the textbook (yes, seriously), your notes starting on page 104 of the notebook, and THESE VIDEOS! ABSENT TODAY? Be ready for the SWYK!!! Today we explored our senses and worked through a booklet of senses and reflexes activities. Click THIS LINK TO MAP YOUR OWN HOMUNCULUS. Tomorrow we review and prepare for Wednesday's SWYK. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY be sure packets are done AND plan to come in to do the sense and reflex labs (homebase study hall? lunch? after school?)? Energy use, transport, and waste removal packets officially due tomorrow. Make sure it's complete!!! We quickly moved through body systems didn't we!!!
Oh the nerve Ms. Hunt ... more body systems? YES... THE NERVOUS SYSTEM! If you missed class today you will need to read pages 176-180 as well as pages 182-189 and take your own notes on the functions and structures of the nervous system (neurons, brain, spinal cord, senses, reflexes). Maybe try an outline? Maybe use the key concepts or End of Section Questions to guide your notes? It's not a perfect match to the work we did in class BUT it's also good to have some background connections since you missed class. If you still need to explain how the tootsie pop is like the central nervous system USE THIS VISUAL! Monday we explore our senses! Packets should be finished up this weekend... due Tuesday ... SWYK Weds!
Today we wrapped up work on the packet for energy use, transport, and waste removal and explored excretion. Tomorrow we shall explore control of the human body and learn more about the nervous system and our senses. Completed packets can be turned in tomorrow or Monday for a "4" in work ethic. Today we worked on both circulation and respiration (the breathing kind ... not the release of energy in the mitochondria kind ... although that topic is revisited in the packet!). Tomorrow we have the last work day in class to "digest" all the material including wrapping up the excretory system. Completed packets can be turned in both Friday and Monday for a work ethic "4". We SWYK on Wednesday for the human body systems. New trimester starts tomorrow so this packet will give you a great start to T3!!! Today we pulled out the red and blue crayons (to color the oxygen rich blood and oxygen poor blood) and listened to our heartbeat with a stethescope. Of course we also filled in more information from the energy use, transport, and waste removal packet. Tomorrow we continue work adding in the respiratory system!
Today we continued work on our energy use, transport, and waste removal packets. You should have digestive work finished as you walk into class tomorrow. Remember to do a bar graph of time spent in the digestive system OR for a "4" you may do a circle graph! Be sure to use color for a GREAT graph!
Today we started our new packet: energy use, transport, waste removal. I collected all Trimester 2 work as well (if you missed class today be sure to have all work done to turn in on Monday!). We then started exploration of our digestive system. Remember you can get a "4" in your graphing task for BOTH math and science if you do a circle graph for time spent in the digestive system (bar graph is a "3" for science alone). Be sure to do a GREAT graph! Monday we will continue digestion and start the circulatory system.
Today we wrapped up work on the chicken wing dissection questions AND any missing packets. Tomorrow is the last day to turn in work for the 2nd trimester. IF YOU MISSED CLASS TODAY be sure to get missing work turned in! Tomorrow we start a new packet: Energy use, transport, and waste removal. LOL!!! Amazing projects in today's KMS science fair!
So awesome to judge and see the amazing scientific thinking! |
Ms. HuntRETIRED Science Teacher Archive
November 2024
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